Nurturing the most awesome minds
Admissions open for Academic Year 2024-25. Visit the school office from Monday to Friday between 9 AM to 3 PM and Saturday between 9 AM to 12 PM for the admission form and other details

The Arts






40 faculty
Welcome To
Nirman International Public School

Located very close to Nagarbhaavi, the school is easily accessible to students across the city. NIPS is known for extending personalised attention to students. Besides this, we also provide advanced evaluation systems, teacher enrichment programs, parent-teacher interaction tools and active involvement of industry experts in learning systems.
Along with world-class education, we have the vision to encourage secular learning to create a society founded on appreciation, compassion, friendship, and equality. Every kid can be the highest manifestation of love, empathy, and consciousness. – Upload the pictures from our google photos.

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Secretary's message
An effective educational system entails not just students and instructors, but also the active participation of all members of society. We also employ common phraseology, such as SHIKSHA and DIKSHA. We are more lively and vibrant while we are moving. Success is determined by the strength of one's determination. Good health is a magical key that opens the doors to prosperity and pleasure. Benchmarking is vital since it compares you to some standards. It is up to the individual to establish their benchmark and endeavor to achieve it.
Principal's message
Education entails more than just acquiring knowledge. It also means how to live a good life and leave a noble legacy for future generations. Learning is never completed in order to build acumen; wisdom after school. A smart mind combined with a good heart is usually a strong combo. But when you combine that with a literate tongue or pen, you get something truly unique.