Nirman International Public School

Blog One

NIPS was started in the year 2011 with a vision of moulding minds with moral values and real life education .  

In NIPS We are committed to the philosophy of an education system where the CHILD COMES FIRST. We try to build their self-confidence so that they are unafraid to take the risk of attempting new challenges, to help them blossom and grow as individuals and to give them the academic, social and emotional skills to enable them to better realise their true potential.

We have dedicated, innovative and caring staff . The staff is well trained through various workshops which mould them into a better teacher which helps in teaching in a better innovative way

We value regular contact with parents / guardians, and regard the home-school partnership as an essential part of the education process. We are always looking for new ways to involve parents in the life of the school and to keep them informed of the things we are doing.

NIPS believes that parents, students and the teachers are three important pillars of the institution.  

Anyone looking for a career in teaching this is the right place.. NIPS gives scope for development both professionally and personally in terms of academics as a teacher.

 The working atmosphere is quite good and amicable. The staff has the liberty to express themselves, freedom of speech is given to each and every one. The institution is open to views and suggestions from the staff . staff discussion are held when implementing any new policies. The staff can work at ease and have a stress free atmosphere.

Each day is filled with new experiences, and  learning for all, and the ability to make someone’s day better .

We look forward for working with you as partners in your child’s education.

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Admissions open for Academic Year 2023-24


Parents and students can collect the admission form from the office from Monday to Friday between 9 AM to 3 PM and Saturday between 9 AM to 12 PM. Fill up the form and submit it during office hours. The further process will be explained to you thereafter.